Welcome to LifeTracker.xyz, a mobile friendly series of free to use, no-ads, no cookies, customizable, simple life trackers to help you with your table gameplay experience. The goal of these trackers are to make digital trackers more accessible, and also configurable to your requirements. As these are basically mobile websites, its possible to bookmark the page with your tailored configuration or setup, and then save it as a link on your mobile devices desktop or as a bookmark in your browser.
Primary goal
The primary goal is to keep the trackers as simple as possible, and not overcrowd the interface or develop weird unintuitive interactions or swiping actions. Instead we promote the idea of using multiple devices for tracking key information for your game. This allows you to get the most out of the interface, without feeling forced to use a specific feature.
For the Future
We are currently developing a more complex web-app, that will allow you to track games more precisely, and even save/print the game logs. The idea is these logs can help you retrospect the game more easily and effectively, and potentially even use the logs to playback game experiences to relive your favorite or most important moments.
What we provide
Counters Tracker
The counters tracker provides a series of counter modules (default x16), with a plus and minus zone to increment or decrement the counter total. All are defaulted to black, and the counter names is shown by default. Side Menu Features:
- Restart Game button - resets all totals to their defaults, this leaves names and colours as is
- Show Names slider - shows or hides all counter names, remember to hit the update button if you change this
- Total Counters select box - this allows you to choose how many counters you wish to see
- Series of counter name and color selector inputs - corresponding to each of the counters, which depends on the total counters chosen above
- Update button - used to save any changes made to counter configuration
- Open Configured URL - after you update and save configuration, you can use this button to open a new instance of the counters tracker with all the configuration parameters in the url. Bookmarking or saving this newly opened page onto your mobile desktop will ensure you can easily and quickly access your configured counters page.
Single Player Experience
Single Player mode splits the screen into two parts: life tracker and counters. Side Menu Features:
- Restart Game button - resets all totals to their defaults, this leaves names and colours as is
- Show Names slider - shows or hides all counter names, remember to hit the update button if you change this
- Coin flip button - opens coin flip popup (also shows last 50 flip logs)
- Dice roll button - opens dice roll popup (also shows last 50 roll logs)
- Show Logs button - shows flips, rolls and life adjustments (last 50 logs)
- User name and color selector - just for the single player
- Total Counters select box - this allows you to choose how many counters you wish to see in the bottom pane
- Series of counter name and color selector inputs - corresponding to each of the counters, which depends on the total counters chosen above
- Update button - used to save any changes made to counter configuration
- Open Configured URL - after you update and save configuration, you can use this button to open a new instance of the counters tracker with all the configuration parameters in the url. Bookmarking or saving this newly opened page onto your mobile desktop will ensure you can easily and quickly access your configured counters page.
Multi-Player Experience
Multi Player mode splits the screen into two equal parts for the number of specified players. There are no counter configurations as it would clutter the screen too much. Instead its recommended to have separate devices or browser tabs that are dedicated to a counters page. Side Menu Features:
- Restart Game button - resets all totals to their defaults, this leaves names and colours as is
- Show Names slider - shows or hides all counter names, remember to hit the update button if you change this
- Coin flip button - opens coin flip popup (also shows last 50 flip logs)
- Dice roll button - opens dice roll popup (also shows last 50 roll logs)
- Show Logs button - shows flips, rolls and life adjustments (last 50 logs)
- A series of user name and color selector inputs corresponding to the number of players.
- Update button - used to save any changes made to counter configuration
- Open Configured URL - after you update and save configuration, you can use this button to open a new instance of the counters tracker with all the configuration parameters in the url. Bookmarking or saving this newly opened page onto your mobile desktop will ensure you can easily and quickly access your configured counters page.
Quick links to common presets:
General Configuration
The system simply uses url parameters for configuration. An example of this would look like: https://www.lifetracker.xyz/player4.html?showNames=true&
The list of general supported configuration:
- showNames - in player screens the default is false, so names will be hidden; in counters screen default is true
- hideMenu - default is false, so menu button will be visible; sometimes the button gets in the way so setting it to true can be useful
- defaultTotal - default is 40, unless specified with this; when restarting a game this value takes precedence
Players and Counters
The number of supported players depends on the page name eg. 1player.html or 4player.html. There is support for 1 to 6 players.
The counters page works differently, it supports up to 16 counters, but you can specify how many you want to show eg. counters=4.
The list of player/counter supported parameters(replace * with the specific player/counter number):
- counters - this will round up to the nearest supported layout, so if you specify counter=5 then it will show 6, the maximum being 16
- c*name - c1name=garruk&c2name=commanderdamage&c3name=poison&
- c*color - c1color=red&c2color=black&c3color=ABCDEF&
- p*name - p1name=Shirley&p2name=Larry&p3name=Mark&
- p*color - p1color=pink&p2color=navy&p3color=orange&
NOTE: URL parameters can't have spaces, so use dashes. Its important to also separate parameters with & symbols.The colors here are Hexidecimal format eg. AABBCC, without a hash on the front. Its possible to create more complex names with ascii symbols or spaces by using the inputs under the menu, and then hitting the "Open configured URL" because this will encode the characters properly. Its also a good idea to use short or abbreviated names to avoid the text overlapping.
Example of player configuration: https://www.lifetracker.xyz/2player.html?showNames=true&p1name=John&p2name=Mary&p1color=blood&p2color=hotpink&
Example of counters configuration (this can get quite long, so use the side menu to do it for you): https://www.lifetracker.xyz/2player.html?showNames=true&p1name=John&p2name=Mary&p1color=blood&p2color=hotpink&
Color Options
Supported Colors:
- 'white': 'FFFFFF'
- 'silver': 'C0C0C0'
- 'gray': '808080'
- 'grey': '808080'
- 'black': '000000'
- 'red': 'FF0000'
- 'maroon': '800000'
- 'yellow': 'FFFF00'
- 'olive': '808000'
- 'lime': '00FF00'
- 'green': '008000'
- 'aqua': '00FFFF'
- 'teal': '008080'
- 'blue': '0000FF'
- 'navy': '000080'
- 'fuchsia': 'FF00FF'
- 'magenta': 'FF00FF'
- 'purple': '800080'
- 'indigo': '4B0082'
- 'deeppink': 'FF1493'
- 'hotpink': 'FF69B4'
- 'pink': 'FFC0CB'
- 'violet': 'EE82EE'
- 'darkviolet': '9400D3'
- 'orchid': 'DA70D6'
- 'darkorchid': '9932CC'
- 'plum': 'DDA0DD'
- 'lavender': 'E6E6FA'
- 'tomato': 'FF6347'
- 'orange': 'FFA500'
- 'orangered': 'FF4500'
- 'coral': 'FF7F50'
- 'gold': 'FFD700'
- 'khaki': 'F0E68C'
- 'darkkhaki': 'BDB76B'
- 'darkslategray': '2F4F4F'
- 'slategray': '708090'
- 'brown': '8B4513' *A better brown
- 'tan': 'D2B48C'
- 'crimson': 'DC143C'
- 'firebrick': 'B22222'
- 'darkred': '8B0000'
- 'salmon': 'FA8072'
- 'lighsalmon': 'FFA07A'
- 'darkgreen': '006400'
- 'forestgreen': '228B22'
- 'greenyellow': 'ADFF2F'
- 'chartreuse': '7FFF00'
- 'darkolivegreen': '556B2F'
- 'olivedrab': '6B8E23'
- 'seagreen': '2E8B57'
- 'lightgreen': '90EE90'
- 'teal': '008080'
- 'aqua': '00FFFF'
- 'turquoise': '40E0D0'
- 'cadetblue': '5F9EA0'
- 'aquamarine': '7FFFD4'
- 'darkblue': '0000AB'
- 'midnightblue': '191970'
- 'dodgerblue': '1E90FF'
- 'mediumblue': '0000CD'
- 'cornflowerblue': '6495ED'
- 'skyblue': '87CEEB'
- 'deepskyblue': '00BFFF'
- 'steelblue': '4682B4'
- 'blood': '990000'
- 'driedblood': '330000'